Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Whining and threats from hoplophobes,

and answers to them.

This is one of those 'this took me here which led me here' things. The Pistolero had this response to one gun-fearing nanny-state type who, besides hating guns, hates that freedom of speech allows people to tell her to go to hell.
A link there took me here, which led me here. This last piece is from 2000, a response to a piece at Salon.com calling for all firearms to be banned from peasantcivilian ownership. Apparently the shrieking starts with 'ban handguns' and quickly turns out to be 'ban guns'. Which isn't a surprise; that's what most of the GFW types mean, but so many don't have the balls to say outright.

I remember seeing the Salon article years ago, but I haven't gone there in a long time; they went to a 'registration' to read their stuff that was far too intrusive for my taste. If you want to read it now, Codrea has a link at the bottom of the page.

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