Thursday, August 03, 2006

We're getting some rain, finally

and I'm wondering what my son is doing tonight. Sleeping now, or running some exercise? No idea.

I haven't received any phone calls along the "Papa(or "Sir,"), something really bad happened", so I figure he's fine. He was really looking forward to it when he left, and since he had some idea of what was coming- far more so than a lot of the others, I imagine- I doubt he's lost that. One thing I did tell him was some stories I'd heard about what happened to people who, upon being issued a rifle, made the mistake of calling it a 'gun' where the DI could hear them, so he should avoid that.

I am looking forward to hearing from him when he's finally allowed a call/letter/e-mail, although as I mentioned before it's liable to be "Not enough sleep, not enough time, and I want some REAL food".

One of the things I really like about Oklahoma is that so far, if his joining up comes up, it's followed by some combination of the following:
What branch?
When did he start?
God bless him, and I'll keep him in my prayers.

I don't know if prayers help; I do tend to believe in God, but sometimes I'm not too fond of Him. But this makes me feel good.

Ah well, I need to figure out a design and get that shirt made.

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