Friday, August 25, 2006

Oh, the wonders of victim disarmament and police bureacrats

The wonder is how many more will be dead and how many more lives destroyed before/if Britain ever wakes up?

Was over at TFS Magnum and hit a link to this article in the Telegraph(I'm not linking to the post at Magnum because there's several touching on this).

The family of a young father shot dead by a teenage gang have released pictures showing the effects of a knife attack on him by the same gang seven months ago.

The Independent Police Complaints Commission yesterday launched an inquiry into the way the first investigation was handled as members of the Metropolitan Police Authority also demanded answers.

Answers? You already know the damn answers, you just don't like them.

Mr Woodhams's father, Peter, said the family had kept a plastic bag of bloodstained clothes from the first attack which had never been examined by police.

"These clothes are covered in his blood and their DNA," Mr Woodhams said. "But they have been sitting in a plastic bag in a cupboard at his house for months. They could have held the key to putting these people away and saving Peter's life."

You think maybe? But that presupposes the authorities actually WOULD put them away.

The killing came days after the Metropolitan Police Commissioner, Sir Ian Blair, said crime had dropped sufficiently in an area of inner-city London for people to leave heir doors unlocked.

"I say it is safe, so it is safe! Do not trouble me with facts!"

Canning Town has such a crime rate that the couriers DHL have refused to deliver in the area. Two weeks ago a man was stabbed to death streets away from where Mr Woodhams died.

The Newham borough commander, Chief Supt Michael Johnson, said six anti-social behaviour orders had been handed out in the street where the confrontation took place along with dispersal notices to stop youths congregating.

Well, by God that'll take care of it! Just hand out some more Behaviour Orders!

Police believe that in the attack on Monday, the gang set out to kill Mr Woodhams as he tried to fend them off.


And from an earlier report:

The spokeswoman said: “Following the tragic murder of Peter Woodhams, officers from the Specialist Crime Directorate were made aware of a serious stabbing incident involving the victim in January 2006. Officers from the SCD have been liaising with the senior officers from Newham borough to establish the outcome of this incident; as a result a full review is currently being conducted to ensure correct standards of police procedure were initially taken.”

I realize this is not a nuanced approach to the matter, and not very good at feeling the pain of the disadvantaged types who committed the crimes, but, just maybe, if you worthless uniform-wearing clowns had taken the trouble to INVESTIGATE the stabbing and CATCH the bastards and PUT THEM IN JAIL, then just maybe they wouldn't have been walking the streets to commit MORE CRIMES.

I realize this isn't the only factor, the Brits are also dealing with judges and various political bigshots who'd rather turn a rapist and murderer loose than a: have the prison crowded or b: have to acknowledge that their touchy-feely approach hasn't worked. So what was the Emperor saying about rope, lampposts and politicians?

Few years back I listened to a guy speechifying about how our big problem was our form of government, and if we had a system more like Britain and the various European governments things would be all better. I didn't like the idea then, and having seen what comes out of Parliament and the PMs' office over there, if anyone tried to change our system to be like that it'd be time for pitchforks and torches.

Which is what the Brits have needed for some time now, only at this point I don't know if it's too late or not.

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