Sunday, August 13, 2006

Carnival of Cordite #69, and I ain't arguing it any more

up at Gullyborg.

Friend mentioned before sent more e-mails last night. Various references to the '3 or 4' real scientists who are the only ones who don't think man-caused global warming is happening, if I would just read the REAL research and the information from the UN, and some various 'we shouldn't be in Iraq' notes thrown in. I'm just going to drop this- didn't even complete reading the last one- and hope friend drops it; this is at the point of teaching a pig to sing, and I ain't got the time or will for it.

Now for the weather. It's partly cloudy outside, temps in the high 80's as of 10 a.m. and humidity high enough to frizz Cher's fake eyelashes. Supposed to be a chance of rain, and God I hope so.

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