Sunday, July 02, 2006

In which the UN is told(politely) to go to hell

It's duly noted at the Geeks' place.

He also links to this at Alphecca in which the socialist and totalitarian gungrabbers reveal their true intention:
“We believe that no armed group outside of the State should be allowed to bear weapons. We also believe that regulating civilian possession of Small Arms/Light Weapons will enhance our efforts to prevent its misuse. In our view, the issue of ammunition should also be addressed in the context of the Program of Action because in the absence of ammunition, small arms and light weapons pose no danger.”

Hmmmm...... Remember this from the president-designate of the conference:"...the meeting is “not aimed at banning small arms or controlling weapons that are legally manufactured, purchased or traded in conformity with national laws”? And I seem to remember Kofi Annan saying that they were not trying to ban or restrict firearms ownership in the U.S.?

If there was any question before, there isn't now: these people are damned liars and cannot be trusted in any way.

Oh, and let's not forget the complete quote from that bitch Rebecca Peters(found by Kim):
I think American citizens should not be exempt from the rules that apply to the rest of the world. At the moment there are no rules applying to the rest of the world. That’s what we’re working for. American citizens should have guns that are suitable for the legitimate purposes that they can prove. I think that eventually Americans will realize that their obsession with arming themselves in fear, in a paranoid belief that they’re going to be able to stave off the ills of the world through owning guns, through turning every house into an arsenal, eventually Americans will go away from that. I think Americans who hunt—and who prove that they can hunt—should have single-shot rifles suitable for hunting whatever they’re hunting. I mean American citizens should be like any other citizens of the world.
" any other citazens of the world", in case you haven't caught it, means 'unarmed, not allowed to resist, and totally dependant on the gummint for everything.

As the Geek says, Molon Labe, bitch.

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