Sunday, July 09, 2006

In which the UN, for now, gives up

I know a lot of other people have noted this, but The Volokh Conspiracy has note of the end of the UN Gun-Grabber & Nanny-State Socialist(I repeat myself) Conference, which basically gave up, and I have to say something about it.

Gave up with no plans for future conferences because "...that draft document eliminated various provisions that the U.S. delegation had found objectionable, but also declared that there would be at least two more conferences. The U.S. delegation refused to assent, and so the conference ended with no consensus agreement, and no plans for future conferences.

So, because the inimitable John Bolton & Co. passed on the word that if the weenies did what they wanted the U.S. would say "Up yours" in polite terms, this waste of time, oxygen and money ended without success in their primary aim: a treaty that would trash our Constitution.

No, I'm not being alarmist. Just about every amendment in the Constitution pisses off various governments, dictators and bureaucrats around the world; and because we ARE the 800-pound gorilla in the room, they can't get around us. And as pissed as I am at Bush about various things, as Volokh puts it, If a few hundred votes had changed in Florida in 2000, or if 60,000 votes had changed in Ohio in 2004, the results of the 2001 and 2006 U.N. gun control conferences would have been entirely different. There would now be a legally binding international treaty creating an international legal norm against civilian gun ownership, a prohibition on the transfer of firearms to "non-state actors" (such as groups resisting tyrants), and a new newspeak international human rights standard requiring restrictive licensing of gun owners. With a Presidential signature on such a treaty (even if the treaty were never brought to the Senate floor for ratification), the principles of the anti-gun treaty would be eroding the Second Amendment, through Executive Orders, and through the inclination of some courts to use unratified treaties as guidance in interpretting the U.S. Constitution.

Which is one of the reasons the thought of President Kerry or Gore or Clinton gives me cold chills. And the urge to load a bandolier of ammo, just in case.

Additional: if you're stupid enough to think I'm threatening those people, you're probably too stupid to read this and understand it. "...just in case" refers to gun-grabbing minions showing up at your door demanding "Give up your guns or else!" To repeat the Geeks' words to Rebecca Peters, Molon Labe, bitches.

Or his followup, "And to our enemies, well,

Fuck y'all, ya hear?"

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