Sunday, July 23, 2006

'Hizballah's Filthy Methods'

Found this over at Little Green Footballs, it links to a blog that says it's by Lebanese Forces members. Short excerpt:

We ve seen Israel for example hitting a factory for tissues in a small village in the South. It appeared that Hizbullah guys operate using trucks, meaning they move around with a missile in a truck, park nearby a factory for ex and shoot the rocket and flee. The origin of the rocket being the factory, Israelies respond by hitting it.

A witness for a similar action urged on TV the Hizbullah fighters to stop coming into his village to shoot rockets and then run away since the village is being destroyed.

Same for the truck that was carrying civilians and that became very suspicious when it was not allowed to enter the UN offices.

It's been known for a long time that this is the kind of tactic these dirtbags commonly use, to run up civilian casualties and damage to make Israel- and us- look bad. My question is, when is the Lebanese Army- including the Muslims- going to get tired of this crap and tell Israel "Ok, we'll be the anvil, you the hammer; we can get rid if this scum once and for all"?

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