Thursday, July 27, 2006

Crooked and/or treasonous politicians

Both international and domestic

I'll start off with 'international', in this case that sorry excuse for a man Kofi Annan of the UN. Right now I'm not speaking of the previous stuff(Jew-hatred at Turtle Bay, bribes, etc.) but of his current bs. When some peacekeeping troops were killed the other day he loudly accused the Israelis of deliberately targeting them. Obvious lie, but the kind of thing that sells to the people he's sold his soul- such as it is- to. Well, I was looking at Michelle Malkin today and, among other things, found this:
A Canadian U.N. observer, one of four killed at a UNIFIL position near the southern Lebanese town of Khiyam on Tuesday, sent an e-mail to his former commander, a Canadian retired major-general, Lewis MacKenzie, in which he wrote that Hezbollah fighters were "all over" the U.N. position, Mr. MacKenzie said. Hezbollah troops, not the United Nations, were Israel's target, the deceased observer wrote.
Now, the most obvious question is what the HELL did Annan think he was doing leaving these people in the positions they were in? 'Peacekeeping' troops would be someone put in a place when the fighting is over to keep things quiet, NOT someone left in the middle of a war zone where they're almost certain to take casualties and get in the way. Which is probably why Annan left them there. Personally, I think he hoped some of them would get killed so he could blame the Israelis. I think he has a personal dislike/hatred for Israel and is happy to send some disposable people(anyone other than himself) into danger if he can use it against Israel.

Why the dislike? No idea. The fact is he could have shut down the hate-the-Jews festival at Turtle Bay and did not; combine that with some of his other actions, and I have no doubt that he hates them.

Happily, nowadays there are ways to get information out that might not have made it before. In this case, one of the poor guys this evil bastard left in danger sent an e-mail to a friend, and the friend made it available. And there are news people- actual reporters- who get this kind of information out.

I will throw in, this liar is the same guy who said the UN had 'no intention of trying to disarm the American people'. Why would ANYONE believe a word that comes out of his mouth?

Domestic division, yesterday I read this at Kim's place. Key quotes:
Evil Party side

Several of them tended to see Latin American immigrants and even Latino constituents as both more dependent on and accepting of active government programs and the political class guaranteeing those programs, a point they emphasized more than the voting per se. Moreover, they saw Latinos as more loyal and “dependable” in supporting a patron-client system and in building reliable patronage networks to circumvent the exigencies of political life as devised by the Founding Fathers and expected daily by the average American.

Stupid Party side
Instead, these legislators seemingly believed that they could weaken the restraining and frustrating straightjacket devised by the Founding Fathers and abetted by American norms. In that idealized “new” United States, political uncertainty, demanding constituents, difficult elections, and accountability in general would “go away” after tinkering with the People, who have given lawmakers their privileges but who, like a Sword of Damocles, can also “unfairly” take them away. Hispanics would acquiesce and assist in the “natural progress” of these legislators to remain in power and increase the scope of that power.

I realize a word I used in the title of this post is looked at askance; it's been used by a lot of people the same way some use 'racist'; it just means you disagree with them and that shouldn't be tolerated. I'm not using it that way, and I do not use it lightly. We are talking about politicians deliberately, intentionally seeking to destroy the Constitution they are sworn to protect so as to give themselves greater power.

At the LEAST they should be removed from office for violating their oath; ideally there would be a way to prosecute them for what they've done/are doing. I'm not kidding about calling them traitors, if trying to destroy the Constitution for their own power doesn't count as such, then the definition should be changed.

As Kim points out, this would explain something: the fact that even though hordes of people wrote/called their senators to say 'close the borders, throw out illegals, etc.', so many of these senators ignored them and passed a bill certain to infuriate those people. The bastards think that if they can get this through, it'll allow them to ignore the people back home; because the new 'people back home' will keep them in office.

I consider that treasonous, and they should be thrown the hell out for it. And forbidden from holding any elected office ever again.

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