Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Wonder about a Marine opinion of Murtha?

Doc Russia wrote this.

You may notice some spelling errors, unusual for the Docs' writing. I put it down to rage(polite term) or a serious case of pissed off(impolite term) when he was writing it.

Not a Marine myself, so I can't add in. I CAN add that I personally think that Murtha is a sorry example of a man who'll do anything he thinks will gain him points with whoever he's sucking up to. Example: his appearance speaking about Haditha when he specifically said there was no IED, just Marines killing civilians. Oh, it was because they were 'overstressed' by 'the illegal Bush war', so it's not really their fault(except that it would be if they'd actually done that, but he doesn't care that he's sliming troops in combat). But what do we find out? Lo and behold! not only was there an IED but we have one Marine dead and several wounded, and- from what information is available now- gunfire on the troops from houses. Which means one of two things:
a: Murtha should simply have kept his damn mouth shut until the inquiry actually produced facts to work from instead of blowing smoke without knowing the facts, or
b: the sorry bastard knew better, and said this crap anyway because he knew it'd sell well with the major medial and anti-Americans and moonbats.
Either way, he's a sorry bastard who, if he had any integrity, would be ashamed of himself.

But he's pretty much proven that he doesn't have any left, hasn't he?

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