Wednesday, June 07, 2006

I just can't say this any other way,

Fucking idiots who worship animals will get someone killed

Was looking at Instapundit and found this post, which had a number of links; in particular this one about a cougar who has a: killed their cat right in front of them, b: A week after the first encounter, Carrie and Shaffer were smoking outside when they heard the lion screech.

Carrie made it inside the front door first. The lion crossed a 60-foot dirt road in a few seconds. Carrie Warner slammed the door just as her husband got through. The lion's head was caught in the door. She slammed the door on its head again and it backed out."
and c: "But what disturbs the couple the most is that the big cat has crouched outside the bedroom window of their 6-year-old son Schylure and stared at the boy.

"We're scared out of our minds," Carrie Warner said. "There is something very strange about the way this lion is hunting us. I'm at the end of my rope."
. Disturbed. They're disturbed.

And what is their reaction to this? Summed up in two parts:

Shaffer Warner was building a metal cage around his back porch for protection on a recent evening. He figures he can videotape the lion from inside the cage to show officials how dangerous the animal is."
The Warners don't want the animal killed. Shaffer Warner said he wishes the animal to be tranquilized and relocated.

Tranqed and relocated... the damn thing has made an attack on them, and is stalking their kid, and they build a fucking cage around their porch to video it and want it relocated.

"Oh, don't hurt the poor animal, it's just following its' instincts! Just take it somewhere else so it can eat someone else's kid, we don't want its' death on OUR conscience!"

Just God-damn. I'd have had a rifle or shotgun handy after it took the cat; when it made the pass at me I'd have killed the damn thing. If not then, if I caught it stalking one of my kids I'd have administered a permanent tranquilizer, .30 caliber or 00 buck. But these idiots are building a cage around their porch to prove how dangerous this cat is after it attacked them and started stalking their kid!!! I can't put it any other way; God-cursed fucking IDIOTS!

Ms. Warner, I present you with a solution to the problem: boomstick, cartridge, rug. Or, if you don't want to upset your 'progressive' neighbors, boomstick, cartridge, shovel. Your choice.

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