Monday, June 05, 2006

Further evidence of how the nanny-state sucks

and not in a good way

Over at Kim's found this on how Scotland(SCOTLAND, for God's sake!) is both a: [T]he Scottish Executive… is warning landlords and bar owners that they may be forced to stop serving traditional pub meals. and b:Alcohol misuse has been identified by ministers as Scotland's next major health issue, it has emerged. And when socialist politicians speak of a 'major issue', it means they're going after another part of your life. For your own good, of course.

Deputy Health Minister Lewis Macdonald said everyone must do more to tackle drink-related problems. An action plan will be published later this year. An action plan! BOHICA.

The Scottish National Party is calling for drink adverts to be banned on children's football strips. They advertise booze at kids soccer fields? Whose bright idea what that?

"Scotland has a well-known culture of drinking that dates back centuries and has a massive human and financial cost to our society," he said.

"While government will always have a role to play, we all must do more to tackle alcohol-related problems.

"Producers, the licensed trade and retailers as well as the general public have a responsibility to promote sensible drinking."
Also read as "You're too stupid to control yourself, so we'll do it for you".

Help group Alcohol Focus Scotland said drink problems cost Scotland about £1.1bn a year. That's a hell of a lot of spillage.

He said: "Scotland needs a comprehensive debate on the way forward between the alcohol industry, the health sector, voluntary groups and the police.

"Simply legislating against irresponsible drinking will not work. A comprehensive solution will only come from a co-ordinated approach from all of these groups.
It would work if it actually meant anything; of course, actually holding someone responsible and punishing someone committing a crime or something is so barbaric and cowboyish, don't you know? Can't expect that to happen, now can one?

Meanwhile, a doctor in Dundee has spoken of concern at having to treat 11-year-olds for alcohol poisoning.

Dr Bill Morrison, of Ninewells Hospital, said problem drinkers seemed to be getting younger.
Well, let's see, if you actually discipline a kid you're liable to wind up in jail, the whole country has been force-fed "You can't take care of yourself or your kids, so we'll do it for you", and damn little, from what I've heard, is actually considered an offense against society over there, at least by the authorities, so why do they keep showing surprise when things keep sliding downhill?

Dammit, this crap is depressing.

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