Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Ref Commie Day for Illegal Aliens

Didn't go find any local marches or search out any of the weenies; went to the range, then took care of stuff around the house. According to local news, there were a number of mexican restaurants closed so their employees could go march.

Did hear an idiot with MechA on Sean Hannitys' show, basically saying the U.S. screwed up the northern & southern American continents, that's why people try to come here and it's OUR responsibility to make everything right; we are(of course) a RACIST NATION, etc., etc., and our borders should be open to ANYONE who wants to come here. Friggin' idiot.

Michelle Malkin has a collection of reports here, here, here; and notes idiocy by the NY state government here. Isn't it interesting that the media somehow doesn't 'report' on the anti-American and commie-loving actions of these clowns?

Enough to piss off the Good Humor man.

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