Sunday, April 30, 2006

Well, well, a variety of news

Found this over at High Road:
"On April 20, Governor Brad Henry (D) signed House Bill 2696, sponsored by Representative Trebor Worthen (R-87). This important legislation will eliminate any threat of restrictions being imposed on lawful uses of firearms or ammunition during a state of emergency. HB 2696 passed the House overwhelmingly with a vote of 94-1, and unanimously in the Senate with a vote of 46-0.

On April 25, HB 2615, the “Stand Your Ground Law,” passed the Senate with a vote of 39-5, and will now go back to the House for concurrence. HB 2615, sponsored by Representative Kevin Calvey (R-94), recognizes that the citizens of Oklahoma have the right to expect absolute safety in a place that he or she has a right to be.

So that's one down and one to go. I found out that my state Rep voted against 2615, and I have sent a note asking him why, we'll see if I get an answer.

Checked my rain guage this morning, and total from the time the rains started to then was a touch over two inches. That's the most rain we've had since late last October if I remember right. It won't get us up to norms, but it'll make a hell of a difference in lake and pond levels, and with the greenup this'll kickstart, should cut the wildfire risk for a while.

Thanks to Tex at Whacking Day, we have a wonderful illustration of something besides cartoons that annoys the hell out of islamist fascists:

And you jerks want to either kill someone like this or stick her in a burkha? You've got problems, boy.

Hadn't looked there in a while, but at IMAO they had an excerpt from Tony Snows' first press conference:

"First off," Tony stated, "I'm already a hundred times the journalist of all you hacks added together, so, instead of answering your moronic queries, I'm just going to state everything you need to know and you'll jot it all down and report that. Are we clear?"

"Mr. Snow, we need--" a reporter started to say, but then screamed in pain as he fell to the ground.

"Now, one thing you need to know," Tony said, "is that I can now shock you through your press passes. This wasn't my idea; it was done by Homeland Security. Now, on to politics. While there are many troubles in Iraq, it's going much better than you shills report. Progress is being made daily. With Iran, many options are being looked at, but nothing has been decided on. Finally, the Democrats are all morons and you waste time reporting on anything they do or say. I think that covers everything."

"What about how Karl Rove will be--" A horde of screaming demons crashed through the ceiling, grabbed the reporter, and flew off.

"It should be mentioned," Tony said, "that questions about Karl Rove will cause screeching demons to come after you. That's out of my hands."

"And there are also reports that secret police are taking away anyone who questions the White House," a reporter stated. "What is your reaction?"

Some men in black ran into the room, grabbed the reporter, and dragged her away.

"Next question," Tony said in a bored voice

Wouldn't you just love to see that conference?

With all the noise about the mass 'strike' by illegal aliens and sympathizers tomorrow(on May 1st? With the commies at International ANSWER helping? What were you idiots thinking?!?) and all the disruption they're hoping for. As has been pointed out, if they DO manage to shut down a city area or majorly disrupt things, the primary outcome will be to piss people off even more than they may already be. Then there are the firings. Both in media and on various sites there've been reports of managers/bosses saying "You don't come in Monday and have no proper doctors visit/leave/etc., you're fired". 'Course, the asshats will probably claim that's discriminating against them and scream more about that, but I don't give a rats ass. You claim to be Americans, but wave Mexican flags and fly our flag upside down? You say our laws don't count? You don't want to have to speak English to do business? Then get the hell out; we DO discriminate against people who want to take over this country.

Also for the jihadi types, from Cowboy Blob:

I wonder if they're jihadis from New Orleans? They're living out of a trunk like the dickhead who cheated friends of mine out of money.

Oh well. I've got ammo loaded and targets packed, and I get to hit the range tomorrow to shake out the K31 among other things. Later, folks.

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