Sunday, April 09, 2006

For further on the continuing idiocy in Britain,

to to Kevin's place and look here(note: link corrected)

Ref the mess on how to treat various crimes in Britain(my piece here, links to the Kim and the original story there), some of the reaction from the public:
"Are the government losing their minds? My friends frail parents aged 80 and 82 were robbed in their home while they watched TV in the lounge. Their bedroom was a total mess and several items were taken including a watch that had belonged to their son who was killed in an accident.

Not content with the pain and suffering they had caused, the burglars phoned them the next day and verbally threatened them.

Give burglars a caution - they should bring back birching!

- Sally, Manchester, UK


Having been burgled recently I now come to work in dread of what I may find when I get home. If they do not want to send these scum to jail then they should be taken to the market square and flogged.

- Phil Beardsley, Nottingham, England


Typical of this government. Talk about honour among thieves. It won't be long before it will be the victim who gets locked up for putting temptation in front of weak individuals. It is time they went before we have a revolution in the streets, Paris ain't that far away!

- Nigel, Somerset"

When the actual working people of Britain are this pissed, there may be some hope. Though I'm doubtful; the government seems willing to put a lot of energy/power into protecting criminals and people threating to burn the country down while stomping hard on anyone who dares to demonstrate about it. And with so much of the British power structure tied in to protecting the bad guys...

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