Friday, April 07, 2006

Among others, John McCain is an idiot

And corrupt. And a vile opportunist.

I don't mean 'corrupt' as in 'money under the table'; I've never heard of that. I mean as in "I'll do anything that will get me good press and maybe votes so I can run for President. Or at least stay in power over people" corrupt. He's shown himself willing to trash the 1st Amendment, and the 2nd, and I've lost track of some of the other crap he's pulled or tried to.

And this 'Amnesty By Any Other Name' bill on illegal aliens he's been trying to bull through. He's one of the big clowns saying "They do jobs Americans won't". Get this piece I found at Tammy Bruce's place:
"But he took more questions, including a pointed one on his immigration plan.

McCain responded by saying immigrants were taking jobs nobody else wanted. He offered anybody in the crowd $50 an hour to pick lettuce in Arizona.

Shouts of protest rose from the crowd, with some accepting McCain’s job offer.

“I’ll take it!” one man shouted.

McCain insisted none of them would do such menial labor for a complete season. “You can’t do it, my friends.”

Some in the crowd said they didn’t appreciate McCain questioning their work ethic." Gee, you think maybe?

I think it boils down to a combination of arrogance and having been in D.C. far too long. You may remember that AZ had a recall petition going on him, and it looked like it would pass with a fair margin. Then came 9/11, and the state decided to drop it under the circumstances. Right now, I wish they'd have either kept it going, or better yet, restarted it a year or two ago.

I repeat what I said before: for his service as a Marine, I give him the respect he earned; for his actions as a politician, he too often has earned by anger and contempt.

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