Sunday, March 12, 2006

Linky goodness

The first isn't really 'good', it simply notes one of the side issues of the 'all faiths are equally good' crap: women who are not of the Moslem faith are seen as fair game for rape by some of the BPMs out there. As the comedian pointed out, "Some people would just look better dead".

And second, a fairly new place called The Lawdog Files from that part of the country known as Texas(and sometimes Baha, Oklahoma). Anyplace that starts a post with this has to be read:
"Today I would like to rant about a particularly irritating habit I've noticed developing amongst the horde of carpet-bagging, mouth-breathing, bunny-hugging, veggie-gnawing, mono-synaptic, close-minded dacoits who are tip-toeing through my fair State like a horde of lobotomized, politically-correct, apron-hanging rhinocerii."

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