Thursday, March 23, 2006

I knew CNN was bad, but DAMN!

It's enough to mess up your digestion

I mentioned Asshat Jr. Sheen the other day. Well, I had dinner out tonight(needed a BBQ fix), and they had CNN on. And they interviewed the radio host that Sheen said this crap to.

Language alert

Shit, it was enough to ruin dinner. This asshole was speaking of the 'courage' it took for Sheen to say this, and how there was 'never a REAL investigation' into the 9/11 attacks, and so on. And the talking CNN head was talking about how wonderful it was that someone brought this up so it could be debated...

Someone please tell me just how it demonstrates courage for an actor to say crap like this in Hollywood? And just how does this need to be 'brought up and debated' when shitheads like these and Mikey Moore and co. have been saying it since the damn attacks happened? And, to top it off, this jackass radio host spoke of how people tell him how wonderful it is that he's brave enough to talk about this...

And, just to top it off, of the e-mails CNN idiot goes over, about 69% agreed that there was a 'conspiracy' that involved the U.S. Government to knock the towers down, etc.

It has GOT to be something in the air and/or water out there, I swear.

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