Sunday, March 05, 2006

Ever seen an aloe vera bloom?

I hadn't, until my parents gave me this one. About nine years ago, I believe; as much hot metal as I handled at the time, it came in very handy for burns. I moved it indoors when winter came, and sometime in February I noticed a stalk rising from the center. It grew to about a foot or so higher than the rest of the plant, the head opened up into lots of little buds, and they finally started opening from top to bottom, each a small bloom.

No scent that I could catch. After opening, they withered and fell off, again from top to botttom. First time that I'd ever seen it.

And so far, the first time of anyone I've told about it. Every year, about the same time, it sends up a stalk. The first couple of years just a single head, since then it's branched off and produced two.

Just think it's interesting.

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