Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Yeah, I worry about tomorrow

And the day after, especially for my kids. Primarily because I worry about the outcome of the First Terrorist War if we don't do this harshly. And I has to be harshly, because the fascist idiots we're fighting will see anything else as weakness. We stomp them hard enough, long enough, the really stupid ones will die and the others will get the idea that trying to force Mohammed the molester down our throats isn't a good idea.

I wrote once before that what may have been a mistake on our part was prosecuting this war in such a 'clean' fashion; 'clean' in that we've spent so much time and effort trying to keep the innocent out of it. Overall I cannot regret it, but the fact is the assholes see it as weakness to be exploited. If they've thought of it, I don't think the actually believe that the West, the U.S. in particular, has the balls to say "Screw it, we're tired of this" and really, really stomp them. No big surprise when the 'clams' as Jeff Cooper calls them(Congressional left, academia, media) keep wailing about how we're at fault, and the terrorists are not to blame, etc. And lots of brainless, bigmouthed celebrities praise them as 'minutemen' and such bullshit. And if they do push it to that point, they'll be in the mindset of the rapist whose intended victim shoots his balls off and is wailing that it's not fair, she shouldn't have done that, etc. Someone said, I can't remember where, that what he really feared was the Islamists would push us to the "Fuck it" point and make us do things we would later regret; I worry that it's coming. Right now we've got CAIR and idiots in mosques here in the U.S. calling "death to America" and all the usual crap, and if you so much as flip them off they start screaming "Hate crime! Bigot" and so forth. I really wonder if they've actually considered what'll happen if their little pets actually do dump some anthrax or smallpox into the air, or set off a nuke in a major city? The feds and co. will be the least of their worries; people will remember who was calling for jihad against America and calling for death for the infidels, and they'll do something about it.

Which is another reason to be pissed that the law enforcement people seem to do so little, largely out of fear of being called names and sued, about these clowns; if people think, truly believe, that the authorities won't take care of self-professed enemies of this country, they'll do something about it themselves, and it won't be pretty. Or nice. Or neat.

A little earlier was looking at 'ShrinkWrapped' and found this and this, about time running out for moderate Muslims, and the long-term consequences to a lot of countries of radical Islam. Virtually no progress in the sciences or arts in countries they control, living off the sales of oil, and trying to destroy what progress has been made in the latter; how the fascists are pushing the moderates out in the former. One of the things he notes is that, discounting what we'll do, is that "The rest of the world is not as “nice” as America has been," and will, if anything, be even nastier when it comes to it. Assuming they decide to act in time. Hell, France rammed and boarded boats, and sank one with a bomb just for annoying them about nuclear tests and that worm president of theirs has already spoken of using nukes if he thinks necessary; do the islamists really think that- especially considering past history- France would have a problem with nuking them? Or that Russia will be restrained in action of the idiots do something sufficiently bloody?

And speaking of the extremists taking over, he notes something I wrote about before, that while so many countries are living almost entirely off oil sales, western countries are working on other energy sources and more efficient uses for oil. What happens when someone actually produces a really efficient solar cell that's worth using in numbers? More efficient ways of synthesizing oil, and/or using organic waste to make it? For that matter, not counting cold-fusion research, building more nuclear power plants? Oil and gas demand drops, and the economies of those countries go in the toilet. When the kleptocrats who run many of them can no longer pay their army enough to suppress the people, or buy off the imams to go somewhere else to spill blood?

We may be reaching a tipping point of our own, the point between being able to stomp the bad guys and prevent the Big Bangs, and the other side of massive, no-shit War with all that entails. One way is messy and upsets the 'elites' but may fix the problem as much as it can be fixed; the other will fix the problem, and leave a very, very big mess behind. The islamists have themselves convinced we don't have the balls to decisively act, and if we don't prove them wrong early, they'll call down the wrath on their heads, and a lot of innocents will get hurt in it.

But then, the innocents don't count to them, do they?

Additional: thoughts about stuff 'appearing from Mars' here.

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