Thursday, February 23, 2006

Do medical people forget their patients don't know what they're talking about

when they use medical terminology? I mean, for God's sake, you send someone results written in med-school gobbledy-gook and wonder why they call you and ask "Just what the hell does this mean?"

When my back was giving me trouble, the doctor prescribed the two meds and had some x-rays shot. And the radiologist mailed me a copy of the report, with a nice drawing of the spine and arrows pointing to the areas he's noting, and everything is in language that doesn't tell me if I'm just suffering the slings and arrows of time and wear, or something nasty is wrong and what should I do about it?

I took it in to the followup visit and asked the doctor to translate to something a normal human can understand, and she did. Time and wear. She did agree that it doesn't do much good to send someone a report that they don't have the background to understand, and that searching on the internet won't necessarily tell them just how it applies to them.

'Course, then they'd have to deign to translate into english, instead of using all the $3 words they learned in school.

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