Sunday, November 13, 2005

Something you'll never see happen, no matter how bad it is,

if you count on the UN, the EU, etc., to do it.

No matter the open slavery, the open religeon-based killings and raids and rape, the UN and EU will never agree to supply arms and/or trainers to people being oppressed. Because if you do that, you grant that they have a right to self-defense AND the means with which to do it. And the 'elites' who run both groups flat can't stand the very idea of that.

Hell, it's been covered at Smallest Minority and Geek's place and Publicola how the UN and EU work hard to ban the ownership of 'small arms'- which to them means any firearm- from private ownership anywhere for any reason. Screw your Constitution, we know better! So do what you're told, peasant! They've demonstrated that they'd rather see people dead and raped and in chains than help them fight for themselves. Hell, in too many cases they'd rather watch them die and sit bitching about why doesn't 'someone'(usually the U.S.) do something?, rather than act themselves. Military force is so 'non-progressive', don't you know?

So Instapundit has asked the question several times, why not provide these people arms and trainers?, and the answer is always the same: the UN and EU and company would rather see those people die or live in chains than give them arms. Partly because they disdain the idea of people, instead of international agencies, acting; and partly because later on, you tell an armed and free people to do something they don't like, they're just likely to tell you to go to hell and back it up.

You know, same reasons people like Kennedy and Schumer and Feinstein don't want anyone here to own arms.

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