Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Various observations and comments

I haven't been paying a lot of attention to the news the last few days, so last night & this morning I've been cruising around.

Just read about the burned terrorist bodies and 'muslim outrage' at Wizbang. I have to agree with Jay; the 'mainstream Muslim community' does want it both ways- "Don't blame us, they're not true Muslims" and "You're not showing these Muslims proper respect!". To quote one of the commenters, "Pigshit". Either the bastards who set off a car bomb to kill a bunch of women and children or men applying for jobs are Muslims and you worry about their treatment, or they're murdering wastes of oxygen and don't deserve any consideration. You can't claim them when it suits you and disclaim them when it doesn't. Make up your damn minds, and in the meantime, shut the hell up.

Ran into Harry's Place, which I'd never seen before, who had this post on a wanker in the Guardian. Short version: Iraqi's Vote, Bush Aided In Next Election, All Is Lost! Worth reading, if only to see how BDS has spread worldwide. Check out the commenters for further illustration.

That bitch Sheehan and the fascist supporters are all atwitter because the 2000th soldier died due to combat in Iraq. Bunch of fucking vultures. I did hear Bush's speech the other day while I was doing laundry; contrast this to the MoveOn wing of the Democrat party and marvel at idiots who think terrorists killing people is preferable to us doing something about them. And a people becoming free.

Got time, go to Power Line and start at the top; lots of good stuff there.

The Gun Guy has initial thoughts about the Tulsa Gun Show.

Michelle Malkin wrote about a racist idiot at North Carolina State University. And the University disowning him.
Gee, I wonder why?

Captain's Quarters writes of Iran calling for Israel to be destroyed. NOW will somebody do something about their working to build nukes?

Michelle also notes that, beyond doubt, Al Franken really is a friggin' idiot.

I know I said it before, but Britain just keeps working harder to flush themselves further down the toilet. Piglet, pig stories, piggy banks... why don't they just wave a damn white flag and get it over with?

I think that's it for now.

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