Monday, October 03, 2005

Tattoos and piercings, and overdoing it

Quite some time ago a guy named Kim did a post about the fad for body decoration with tattoos and piercings. Overall I tend to agree with him; a lot of people shouldn't get the damn things at all, and too many who do get them overdo it(he thought it was a stupid damn thing to do to yourself, period).

What brought this up was a memory. A while back, in desire of getting out of the house and around some noise and people, I went to a local place of adult entertainment(POAE hereafter). No, I didn't want a lap dance; I decided a long time ago that if I was going to have a pretty lady wiggling in my lap I wanted it to be because she chose to be there, not as part of a business deal. I didn't want to go to a bar and try to pick someone up, either. I wanted loud music and a crowd and to lean there and drink a beer. Or maybe two.

In any case. Several of the dancers had tattoos, mostly small ones; the popular small of the back and so forth. Then a dancer got up on the main stage, a very good-looking woman. Then the dress came off, and after a minute I realized that the mottling on her belly was a tattoo. Not just a little one, no, this was words and patterns that stretched from the bottom of her rib cage to her thong. And it grossed me out. Not just the coverage, but her being black, at a distance the damn thing looked like a skin condition of some kind. Here was this lovely woman with this crap imbedded in her skin, and it really messed her up. I'm sure she thought/thinks it was just wonderful(she'd better), but it pissed me off. I flat hate it when I see someone do something like that to themselves. A pretty girl with enough metal embedded in her face to endanger her if she walks near a strong magnet. A guy who looks like an idiot with crap hanging all over his face and a chain between his nipples. Strictly speaking, none of my business, but it still pisses me off.

An awful lot of tattoos, it's not the current state that may be a problem, it's what they'll look like in later years. There's a lady who operates a booth at Med-Fair whose whole back is covered with a phoenix, and it does look good on her; but what'll it be like in later years? Maybe still good, but maybe bloody awful.

Oh, well. End of bitching for the night.

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