Saturday, October 01, 2005

Just to add to the mix in NO,

over at Mark in Mexico found this: ""Someone had told me, 'We saw the police driving your cars,' and then when we got here the dealership was in total disarray, totally smashed up, every door was kicked in and we were looted," he said."

Cadillacs and Corvettes and a tractor, oh my. And this gives a good example of what it's been like in NO: "Nevertheless, Stead stressed that neither he nor any other Sewell employee requested a formal investigation from any law enforcement agency.

"The attorney general's office contacted us, we did not contact them," he said. "Please make that clear because I have to live here, you know."

Think about that. Dealership cleaned out, trashed, and he didn't contact law enforcement because "I have to live here, you know". Tells you all you need to know about how NOPD has operated.

Let's talk about rebuilding NO. A: NO local/state politician gets to control money, B: NO local contractor/agency gets to approve work that's been done, C: NO police officer who ran off the job, looted, etc., has a job any more. Period. Screw any noise about 'stress', or 'you have to understand'; fired, and for the looters preferably a jail cell.

Can you imagine what it must be like for the real, HONEST police officers there? Year after year, surrounded by this kind of crap?

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