Saturday, October 08, 2005

I now officially hate dating

Is there some genetic thing in women that will not allow them honesty in some things? Or is it something socialized in by other women with problems?

In specific, I refer to a seeming inability to tell someone the truth about a request for another date. Three times now I've had this happen: take the lady to dinner; things seem to go well; at the end ask if she'd like to go out again and she says yes; then proceeds to never answer the phone or return calls. Except for the third. She answered, said "Not this week, maybe next" and then never answered any more calls.

Honest, I can handle 'no'. A simple "I don't think so" or some such simple response would be ok if she doesn't want to go out again. I could even deal with "You remind me of the stalker I saw on America's Most Wanted and I don't want to see you again". I'd be weirded out, but I could handle it. But it really ticks me off when someone doesn't have either the integrity or manners to simply say 'no', instead saying 'yes' while planning to never allow contact again.

Yes, I realize that not all women do this, but I somehow seem to find the ones who do.

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