Thursday, October 06, 2005

Critters in the house

Some people have bug pests. Others have furry things. I went over to my ex's house to see my daughter, and while there noticed one of her cats crouched down, reaching under a crock pot(don't ask). I finally decided to see what she was after, and pulled it over while daughter was saying she acted like she was doing something useful, like chasing a mouse. As a matter of fact, it was. Little sucker about an inch long that stayed huddled up. I said "Yes, it is", daughter looked around, "It IS a mouse!" She crouched down to observe, and in a shocked voice said "It's alive!" Which it was, apparently hoping if it held still we'd go away.

Which the damned cat did. No longer having anything in the way, instead of doing something catly like eating it, she stood up, looked at it for a moment and then wandered away. So daughter got a glass and caught it, stating as I was leaving that she was keeping it. Have I mentioned before the rat? Yes, she has a rat, so she had mouse food and bedding.

About an hour or so after I left she informed me she'd cleaned out her old aquarium and set it up, sending me this portrait of her new critter:

I'm hoping the cats or the ferrets made themselves useful and ate any others.

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