Sunday, October 23, 2005

The Big Gun Show Report

As I mentioned, this is the biggest gun show in the world; the building is 11 acres(!) and it's full, something like 3800 tables. Guns, ammo, parts, accessories, knives, books, if it's related to firearms you'll either find it there, or find someone who can get it for you.

Also there, I just found out was the Gun Guy. Dammit, I wish I'd known, I'd have made sure I said hello. As it was, there's so many damn people, so many of whom look familiar for different reasons, I didn't notice him. Or maybe he doesn't look like his picture, or was gone to pee, who knows?

For some reason Martini Cadet rifles seem to have gone way up on price; the only one below $500 was pretty beat up in the stock and still $450. I'd like to have one, but not for that price.

Among other things, I picked up some sling swivels, recoil buffers and ammo. Found a place that had a good price on M2 ball for the M1 rifle. And my friend bought a tuna can each of 7.62x54R and 8mm from them. AND they dollied it out to the truck; what more can you ask for? You could go broke in the place really easy. And really quick.

Books. Lots of books. I'm going to have to make a list of Peter Capstick's stuff I don't have or want in hardback. No problem with buying from Books a Million, but if I can pick it up at the show...

Yesterday was cloudy and cool, today started cloudy and occasional sprinkles and cold. And maybe some frost tonight, dammit. I've got to cover the squash and maybe it'll last long enough to produce. I hope so.

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