Wednesday, October 05, 2005

And about those levees...

Over at Wizbang the other day found this I got busy and forgot about. It seems that Katrina was weaker- maybe much weaker- than previously thought when it hit NO. If this information pans out, it means that most of the levee and flood wall system is suspect. If this setup was supposed to be good through a Category 3 hurricane, and failed in this?

Wiz earlier had more on the levee failures, pointing out that while the Corps of Engineers was using wording about 'overtopping' and such, pictures showed some of the levees in question had big damn holes in them. That ain't 'overtopping' guys, that's failure.

This mess could mean bad design, or bad construction, or bad maintenance, or a combination thereof. I say could, because it is possible that some once-in-a- whenever combination of things could have done it. Doubtful, but possible. If it's the first three, we're talking a: even more money to survey and upgrade existing levees and walls, and b: hopefully finding out who screwed up how and fining or jailing them. Or something.

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