Friday, September 16, 2005

On the subject of bikes...

I picked up a poster at a bike show years ago. I can't find the damn thing right now, this is some of what I remember about it:


The farther it is to the next stop, the bigger the bug that hits your face shield

If you run out of gas, no matter which way you decide to push, the closest gas station will always be uphill and in the other direction. Corollary: The likelihood of running out increases when all of the nearby gas stations are closed.

The chance of your helmet dropping hard on concrete is proportional to it’s newness and expense.

You only realize the bike’s keys are in your pants pocket after you’ve put on all of your riding gear.

The more riders around, the more likely you will: a) Forget the kill switch is in the off position while trying to start your bike; b) Ride off with the sidestand down; c) Ride off with the petcock closed; d) ride along for miles with the turn signal on; e) get stung by a bee and do a roadside crazy dance shedding your riding gear.

Your first successful multi-gear wheelie will be past a heretofore unobserved police officer who dislikes motorcycles.

How long it takes to receive any back ordered part is proportional to how badly it is needed.

When your throttle cable snaps, you will always coast to a halt in front of a crack-house bust in progress.

The patch-wearing guy named ‘Tiny’ really DOES want to know what you are looking at.

The likelihood of falling over is directly proportional to a: how many people are watching and b: the ego of the rider

If I can find it, I'll put the others up

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