Sunday, September 18, 2005

Now for something from our 'Friends' the Brits

Clayton Cramer had a link to this piece of crap. I thought I'd go over some of the points listed. It's from some jerkoff named Clarkson, who sounds like one of Mikey Moore's butt-monkeys. Or maybe something he squeezed out of his ass.

"...the greatest and most powerful nation on earth could be so crippled by a bit of wind and rain." Well, you see Clarky, a category 5 hurricane is more than a 'bit of wind and rain' for one thing; for another the nation wasn't crippled, you just wish it was.

"...behind the veneer of civilization, most Americans barely have the brains to walk on their back legs." Coming from the wankers who said the wheelbarrow was invented so the Irish could stand up straight, that doesn't bother me much. And speaking of the 'veneer of civilization', you might check out a book called 'Life at the Bottom'. It's by a British doctor, and from that and the evidence in the news you're not is a good position to be speaking of anybody elses' civilization or lack thereof.

Oh, it's just full of wonderful comments on us. He compares us to the "stupidest creature on God's earth" of course; our "none-too-bright soldiers urged on by their illiterate political masters"; oh, and of course he has to point out what a bunch of racists we are. "It's easier and much more fun to shoot someone than make them a cup of tea. Especially if they're black."

By the way, did you know that there were no 'looters' in NO? No, only "some poor, starving soul helping themselves to a packet of food". Somehow I never knew a tv or DVD player was edible, but apparently the super-intelligent Brits like Clarky have figured out uses for semiconductors and transistors we ignorant colonials were never able to figure out.

There's also note that we're "told rules exist and they should not use common sense to question them." First, coming from you, Clarky, in a country where you can't think out loud without falling afoul of the latest politically correct ruling on how you'll be allowed to think, where you can go to prison for defending yourself in your own home, where owning a gun makes you a de facto criminal according to your government(you just haven't committed the crime yet), you are not in a good position to comment on how we don't question rules. Or maybe you've just been hanging around people like yourself; you see, an awful lot of us question the rules, and the laws, on a regular basis. Loudly. Of course, according to you, that means our 'veneer of civilization' is peeling away, doesn't it?

I have a message for you, Clarky: go fuck yourself. Assuming you can get your head out of your(or Mikey's) butt long enough. We don't think military force is the solution to everything, just some things; and when we send them out, they don't have to beg ammunition from allies because we sent them into battle without enough. Except for the terminally politically correct, we know what a looter is: it's not someone taking food, its the asshole stealing electronics and raping and robbing hospitals and pharmacies. And he deserves to be shot, either by the police, the military or the honest citazen. Oh, that's right, you're more scared of an honest citazen with a gun, or a cop who cares more about protecting citazens than about kissing the ass of some orc who thinks the world owes him a living, than you are of the orcs. Until the orcs come for you, that is.

Yeah, we've got problems. We have corruption and stupidity and problems with our education system. I would suggest you look at your own society through eyes that actually care about fixing problems instead of covering them up before you whine and insult us; because you're not exactly living in an ivory tower in Britain.

And again, thank you so much for your wondrous opinion of us. I only wish I had a copy of the paper itself, so I could use it as it deserves. As toilet paper.

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