Sunday, September 25, 2005

General stuff

Gullyborg has an onion soup recipe that looks damn good. The sandwiches I don't know about; I've never even heard of fontina cheese before.

I want Uncle to take that rifle to the range and try it out with the new mount. I've read reports from some people that accuracy has improved with the Ultimak; I'd like to know if it works that way for him.

A place I don't look at often enough is the Dog Snot Diaries. Yes, despite the name. He's got a very nice Democrat Party symbol here; he got it from the Ex-Donkey, who I'd never heard of before. Don't you just love the way this works?

Snotty also has this up, you really should take a look. Michelle Malkin's blog is a place I usually check daily, and she's posted some of her hate mail a time or two; the crap listed here are a step beyond some of her hate mail, but not by much. This is pretty bloody awful stuff, and the clowns are proud of it.

The Ex-Donk has this on the mindset of the enemy. Not the enemy listed above, the Islamist enemy. Worth taking note of. The last time we fought an enemy with this general mindset it was the Japanese, and it took all-out war and several years to defeat them; when you've got an enemy who(in the case of the true believers) doesn't care about living, it makes the usual method of defeating an enemy less useful.

Steve, in a few days, has told us all about people who die on boats, positive and negative ions, points out Walter Cronkite is/was an asshole, got tickets to Serenity, and keeps us up on various aspects of cooking and beer guzzling. Oh, and sex, reproduction and the Catholic Church and Andrew Sullivan. In one post. Such value, for such a low price!

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