Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Ref that shooting in Los Angeles a few days ago

where the bad guy and his baby daughter were killed? I was looking at Michelle Malkin and found this link with a lot more information about what happened, and what's happened since.

It seems that the dirtbag was not only an illegal alien, he had been previously deported, for cocaine possession. So he snuck back into this country, and on went things from there.

And of course the family of the deceased is putting out the usual: “The police killed my daughter. I want justice,” said Lorena Lopez, the unmarried mother of Pena’s 18-month-old daughter, Susie Lopez. “It’s cruel what happened to my brother,” said German Pena. “He was a good person.” Let's see, illegal alien, drug possession(at the least), using his own DAUGHTER as a shield... doesn't sound so damn good to me. Which makes me wonder, how many of the family, and how many of the idiots rioting are illegals themselves?

Investigate police actions, fine. If someone messed up, take care of it. They should also be grabbing every illegal at these riots and in the family and deporting them. They (the legal immigrants and citazens) want to protest, no problem; for rioting they should be in jail.

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