Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Red Ken returns to normal operating mode

'Red Ken' being the commie mayor of London. And no, I do not use 'commie' lightly, he really IS. And, after his bombing-day demonstration of telling the fascists that they'll be hunted down, he had this to say:
"Ken Livingstone yesterday blamed western policies for contributing to the spread of the extremist beliefs that inspired the London bombers. The mayor of London highlighted the West’s role in the creation of al-Qa’eda by saying: “We created these people. We built them up. We funded them.”

His comments coincided with remarks from Muslim extremists that went much further, claiming that ministers were “the real terrorists” and that voters were to blame for the attacks because they returned Tony Blair to power."

Remember what I asked about could and would Britain stand up? Here's part of the problem; the people in power blaming their own people for all problems, and the idiots keep voting them back into office. Here it is about two weeks after this mass murder, and Kenny is back to blaming his own people- or maybe I should say 'his subjects'- for what happened, just happening to sound like an echo chamber for the fascists.

Well, he is a commie, so it shouldn't be surprising. Full post here at Little Green Footballs.

Oh, he says it's the fault of the Joooooos, too.

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