Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Ok, Oliver Stone is WORSE than a nutcase

I've generally ignored him, same as I do most actors etc. unless they say something so stupid I stomp around wondering who let them off their leash. Then today I read this. And THIS is the freakin' jackass chosed to direct a movie about 9/11?

One prize quote:
""Does anybody make a connection between the 2000 election"—for the Presidency—"and the events of September 11th?" he asked, and added cryptically, "Look for the thirteenth month!" He went on to say that the Palestinians who danced at the news of the attack were reacting just as people had responded after the revolutions in France and Russia. ..."

And the movie bigshots wonder why they're losing money? And why people- you know, the peasants in most of the country- think they hate this country?

Found this through Instapundit, and it's enough to ruin my morning.

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