Sunday, June 12, 2005

What makes up 'pretty'?

Or 'Beautiful', or whatever?

Definately it's in the eye of the beholder, so I'm not talking about a 'universal ideal', or some crap like that. I mean the things that make someone fit that description to you?

Long hair, short hair, tall or short, fair- or dark-skinned, slim or full-bodied? Full lips or slim, big boobs or small or in between, larger round or small tight butt?

And all the various combinations that can definately add up to be greater than the sum of the perts(excuse me, 'parts'. Well, some of it COULD be 'perts', couldn't it? Be quiet).

Got to thinking about this last night, partly just in wonder at some of the loveliness out there. I was out taking care of some things and saw a lady. Now, if you broke it down to individual features, it would be something like this:
Light brown hair, straight, about shoulder blade length.
Light tan skin tone.
Lips a little fuller than slim
Couldn't see eye color.
Medium boobs and butt.
Nice waist.
Slim legs.
Put that way, doesn't seem like much. Put all together, she was gorgeous.

Lady I know is a belly dancer in her spare time. By the 'fashionable' standards, she's a loss; face a bit too full, boobs & butt too big, she actually has a bit of a belly, legs not long enough. Despite not being of 'fashionable' appearance, she's a knockout, sexy as hell.

Once knew a lady who was lean, almost to the point of being skinny. But it was her natural build and she looked good that way.

Another was plump/not a few pounds overweight, actually plump/, and you didn't care. From her curly red hair to her pretty feet, she was very fine to see.

Lady I used to know was at first glance what might be called 'pretty' to be polite. But to actually meet her, talk with her, was a wonderful thing, her spirit and the way she moved put everything together into a package that was a marvel.

And I've known women who could not fit into a category of 'pretty' or 'lovely', but they were the definition of 'cute'. And cute can be seriously hot, too.

I came to the conclusion a long time ago that boobs who tried to define what features someone had to have to be 'beautiful' were idiots. All too often nowadays they tend to think that someone who looks like she was just rescued from a concentration camp is the ideal, whereas I see someone like that I have an urge to feed them before they fall over.

There's beauty of all sizes/shapes/colors out there. I have no idea how some of it fits together and works, but I'm glad it's there.

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