Sunday, June 19, 2005

Various thoughts on the war

If you've never gone there, you should take a look at Captain's Quarters. Especially this and this. The first is on the Downing Street Memos that so much noise has been made about. Basically, it turns out the reporter who 'broke' the story made copies of the original documents which were then returned to his source, then had a secretary copy the wording on an 'old fashioned typewriter', then the photocopies were destroyed. Sound a bit familiar? NO originals, no PHOTOCOPIES of the originals, NO proof at all of the authenticity. At the least sloppy reporting, at the worst...

The second is about ACTUAL torture, with a manual and everything. Problem for Dickie Durbin and co. is it's by the sorry pieces of crap we're fighting. Durbin and company might want to review the information.

Along with that, they might try to, I don't know, actually come up with an idea on what to DO with these crapheads we're holding at Gitmo. Some of those 'poor, mistreated people' who were released have already been killed or recaptured fighting us again, so just exactly do the clowns like Durbin and Kennedy want to DO with them? Admittedly my solution may seem a bit, oh, abrupt; question the known jihadis and then shoot them. As is 'allowed' by the Geneva Convention, by the way, though the people prostrating themselves before the alter of 'international law' would scream anyway. But absent that, we can't turn them loose; and anyplace you put them the usual suspects will whine about 'torture' and 'mistreatment', so exactly what do they suggest we do with them?

I need a damn soapbox somewhere...

Update: on the Memos, there are some good arguments that they may be genuine; I don't really worry about them, because from what I've read they basically say "we're really worried about Saddam and what he's involved in". But the reporter's actions really bother me. If they're genuine why would he destroy/get rid of his only way to prove they are real? And why retype them the way he did, on a typewriter? Why not on the pc and print it? That would be new paper and no connection to the originals, so why not? Either the reporter is stupid, or he's up to something, and his actions make it look like the latter.

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