Monday, June 13, 2005

It has come to my attention

as I sit here with a bit of Cask & Cream on ice, that I haven't said anything political in a while.

Howard Dean is either a serious nutjob, or a serious enemy of much I hold dear. I'd prefer the former; that so many voters would knowingly vote for someone who is the latter dismays and scares the hell out of me.

Hillary Clinton is power hungry enough to become a nun if she thought it would put her in the Oval Office, and she is a serious enemy of much I hold dear.

Amnesty International has either sold out to left-wing assholes for money(read 'donations'), or has become such a left-wing asshole group that it would say the crap it has because they actually believe it, or think it will advance their agenda; in either case they're knowingly lieing, and should be seen as the foul bastards they are.

Nancy Pelosi, Barbara Boxer and Diane Feinstein are the wicked socialist witches of the west, and we can hope that Dorothy is being picked up somewhere in Kansas by that tornado.

There are a bunch of people at Democratic Underground who truly are traitors to this country.

And there are a bunch of politicians and 'protesters' who should have their patriotism questioned, because they don't have any. Not to THIS country, anyway.

Fidel Castro is a murdering communist dictator, and as the saying goes, ANY day he dies will be a national holiday.

And the fact that the Democratic Party will revere and raise money for that sorry bastard Robert Byrd(Kleagle-WV) instead of condemning him and telling him to go away, tells me all I need to know about the upper levels of that bunch.

I think that covers it nicely for now. Good evening, and I'm going to top off my glass.

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