Friday, June 03, 2005

Further on why I don't trust the U.N.

The situations in Darfur and in Zimbabwe have some things in common; the U.N. wants to blow hot air and do nothing, and the people being starved/raped/murdered have no effective way of fighting. Note the excerpt:

"There hasnÂ’t been any revolution so far because the potential rebels cannot get guns. No one is willing to arm the dissatisfied majority, and over two thirds of the population lives in poverty. . . . The government seems determined to starve its enemies to death, secure in the knowledge that the victims are unarmed, and the government forces have lots of guns."

And here's another place where the U.N. and the EUrocrats come in. Remember the treaty to end the 'trafficking' in small arms they're pushing? Two things about it; one, they consider any firearms 'small arms' that should be banned frompossessionn by mere peasants and two, they very specifically don't want anyone to be able to rebel against an oppressive government. They want everything to be controlled by the governments and by the U.N. controlling the governments; there's no room in there for a bunch of uppity commoners to do something themselves.

Make no mistake, a civil war is just about the most nasty kind of an essentially nasty business, but there are worse things. Like the Mugabe government planning on starving people into submission, and killing them if that won't seem to work. Like the people in Darfur being systematically murdered and raped and starved and taken as slaves. Actual in-chains do-as-you're-told-or-die SLAVES. While the U.N. blathers and wastes and steals and rapes.

Instapundit says some SpecOps trainers and a bunch of AK-47's would work wonders, and I agree. And if we do it(I wish we would) we'd better be ready for the screaming from the offended elites. We'd be 'assisting civil war' and 'undercutting the U.N.' and 'trafficking in small arms' and 'racists helping people of color kill each other', and so on. These 'elites' would rather the slavery continue, and the starvation and murder and so on, rather than see a bunch of peasants armed and standing up for themselves.

It would be profoundly messy, no question, but what's the alternative? Trust the U.N. and E.U. to do something? Stop dreaming. Barring a miracle, make that a series of miracles, Africa is going to continue down the path it's walking until it's either completely trashed, or until something happens to change the governments in most of the countries there. Maybe, just maybe, a lot of armedcitizenss with a bit of guidance and an ideal of a free society could do the trick.

And, quite frankly, if it didn't work out as we hope, how would they be worse off?

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