Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Back in town

Went out of town for a couple of days to visit my folks, so no posts and no responses to various comments.
To catch things up;
Mr. Completely has the results for his postal match, so go read the scores and vote. Preferably for me, but vote anyway.

I spent some time helping my dad clean out the barn, and move some heavy stuff around, in return for which I got Mom's cooking. Very good trade, I will tell you.

My cat's a bit under the weather, so I'm going through the fun routine of feeding her pills and forcing her to eat. You can imagine what a joy that is, but hopefully she'll get better.

I've got a big pot of mint to plant. Good for tabouli, and tea, and various other things.

I now have a recoil absorber for the Benelli, I hope it works as promised(see "vote for me" above).

And while I was gone I received two comments, surprisingly(yeah, right) from 'Anonymous'. One says 'F*** you', and the other is 'their innocent'. I'm too lazy to go back through the archives to find which posts these were added on to, but from the sparkling use of language and excellent spelling, I'll assume it's some, shall we say, 'liberal' type who objected to some political view I posted. I was thinking of some proper rebuttal, but I'll let them stand for themselves.

More later.

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