Monday, May 23, 2005

Oh, wow! Look at this!

Og sent me this link ref my earlier post about double-rifles. Oh, ain't it purty?

One of the things I notice is 'Adjustable barrel regulation'. If you're not familiar with this, one thing that has to be done on a double-barrel rifle(or shotgun) is to 'regulate' the barrels so that they point to the same place. With a shotgun, that means that at a set range, the pattern from each barrel will pretty much overlap the other. With rifles, it means that the shot from one barrel will, ideally, hit the target next to the shot from the other. That's one thing that makes doubles so expensive is that the method has been to set the barrels into a jig that holds them aligned, fire a shot from each, adjust, fire, etc. When 'regulated' the ribs are set in place and soldered in.

The problem with this is that it's only regulated with that load; if you change loads(different powder or charge, different bullet) the shots may not hit where they should. The recoil impulse will be different, and since the barrels are each to one side of the centerline, things move differently. This wasn't a big deal with the old express rifles, where you used one cartridge- usually from one maker- all the time; with a rifle that you may want to be able to use different loads in... So 'adjustable barrel regulation' means that(up to a point at least) you can change loads and, if needed, adjust the barrels so they're regulated with that load.

Dammit, Og, I didn't really need to see this right now. I wonder if they do custom chamberings...

No, dammit, I promised, no new guns for a while!

But still...


  1. Anonymous9:19 PM

    The rifles are coming from Russia. I doubt they'll be able to be chambered for anything but the posted ammo.
    Still: you can load the 06 springfield light, like a 30/30, or even use chamber adapters to use the brit 308. Order one. They won't be available until fall, and if you change your mind, I bet you'll be able to sell it for more than the$569 asking price anyway.

  2. Right now, new firearm purchases are pretty much off the list. Maybe later...
