Sunday, May 29, 2005

If you haven't, you've got to go there

to Hog on Ice. Steve is a number of things, including a very damn good writer. I can't remember where I first hit a link to him at his old site, Little Tiny Lies, but I loved it. I followed a link to his original site, Little Tiny Wit. His columns on motorcycles and school and the bar association were worth it all by themselves(Steve? Put the damn things back where people can read them). And then he began putting together a cookbook.

I've got a copy of 'Eat What You Want and Die Like A Man', and it's both funny and good tasting(the recipes, not the book, dammit). For that matter his posts about the recipes as he put them together were great. And of course, you learn about Marv and Maynard, the feathered pair who enrich(fertilize?) his life.

Lately he's been concentrating a lot on Huffington's Toast, also worth checking out, but he's got some stuff this weekend back on two of his best subjects; heaping scorn on Democratic Underground weenies, and brewing beer. I'm glad, his method of referring to the DU dorks is wonderful on it's own, and along with beer posts? Wonderful, so go there and enjoy.

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