Friday, April 15, 2005

There was a wedding

Last weekend, and yr. obdnt. svt. was the best man. For the first time in my life I wore a tuxedo and top hat- and yes, I did restrain myself from finding a tray and offering drinks to people.

The bride was in the standard bride-state prior to the ceremony, and at one time I seriously considered finding a bottle so as to deliver a medicinal shot or two; however, we made it through. The bride's kid from a previous marriage seems to get along pretty well with the groom/new dad, and carried his part of the ceremony off well.

What was funny was when we were being fitted for the tuxes, after the kid was measured mom pointed a finger and said "For the next month, you're not allowed to grow!". Telling an 8-year old that was pushing her luck, but if he did shoot up any it was within the error factor of the size. This was also when I advised the bride that if she didn't calm down, I'd just wear my kilt and "By God, we'll show them who the Best Man is!". She did laugh, but I think she stayed nervous until I actually showed up for the ceremony in the tux.

Seeing as how we had also torment-er, considered what armaments should be carried by the best man(bride: "You CANNOT bring a shotgun to the wedding!"), she not being in favor of me wearing my sword, discretion was called for. Actually, it would have been a bad place for someone to start something; Yours Truly had a .45 in a shoulder rig(which fit rather well under the tux jacket), the groom had a Sykes-Fairbairn dagger in his pocket("It's for cutting the cake, dear"), and the minister, just for the spirit of the thing, had a derringer in his vest pocket. The father of the bride, actually liking the groom, did not make any comment of scatterguns or varmint rifles being within reach in case of sudden departure, which as nervous as the groom was was probably a good thing.

As I say, all went well. The bride did indeed look beautiful, the couple- and son- marched down the aisle at the end, and the maid of honor said "Skip!" as we started down after them, so all were treated to a formally dressed couple skipping along behind the family. Hey, it made her happy.

Oh, and the groom presented me with something; a flask with my initials engraved, and to fill it a bottle of Glenlivit 15-year-old single-malt. Which don't taste bad at all.

The groom was informed by my parents that they needed copies of some of the pictures, as for once in my life they wanted to see me in truly formal dress.

It was fun.

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