Sunday, April 24, 2005

More on Best Buy, and other general stuff

Remember the guy who got arrested for trying to pay a bill at Best Buy with $2 bills? Well, Geek with a .45 just had them refuse to sell him a radio-on one of their own gift cards- unless he gave them his phone number and address. I don't normally shop there, simply because I can usually find what I'm looking for at a better price elsewhere. But this goes far beyond that; they have no business demanding your personal information before they'll sell you something. Oh, they can demand it, and people can put down the merchandise, put up their money and walk out the door. After this last couple of pieces about them, I won't go there again. Ever.

Smallest Minority linked to a nice piece on how to build a tactical sling, for a lot less than you'd pay for one pre-made. Very nice.

The BBC has been a general pain in the ass for a long time, with even many of their defenders admitting that they slant the news(to say the least). Now they do this, and claim that it's a study of 'heckling'. You have to pay a fee in Britain to own a tv, even if you don't watch it, and they fine people for watching without their permit, and the money goes largely into funding the BBC. They ain't getting their moneys worth.

I really overdid it the day I got the shed kit. I'm still sore in the back & legs, mostly I think from the concrete blocks. I've got about 15 of them still to set in place for floor support, then that's done. Then all I'll need is someone with a day to spare helping, and a day without the wind trying to blow us away. But first, I get over the soreness.

I need a day at the range. I've got a good selection of slugs to try in the Benelli, and a sandbag to put between the butt and my shoulder. 12 guage slugs from a benchrest are not a lot of fun. And I want to see if I can shoot well enough to get into Og's postal match for May. My last practice wasn't so hot, but I think lack of sleep had something to do with it, so we'll see.

The first spring after I moved into the house, I planted a pecan tree. You're supposed to plant trees in the fall, so they have the fall & winter to set roots, but you cannot find trees to plant in the fall, at least not around here. So I planted this one in the spring. It grew a little over a foot between planting and winter, and it's leafed out nicely now with new branches growing. I planted a couple of mini-rose bushes in the area around it, and found a third yesterday. I think it'll look nice. And the Mr. Lincoln roses I built a bed for and planted last year? They're a good three feet high and have buds and blossoms all over them. I love the scent of these, and the roses are truly lovely. And the blackberry I planted in the back is growing nicely, too.

And so it goes.

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