Tuesday, April 12, 2005

General "what's happening in the world?"

Over at Captains Quarters there's this: "Did Spain Sell WMD To Hugo Chavez?". I know the new government of Spain is a bunch of terrorist-appeasing socialists, but how could they be stupid enough to sell this stuff to a castro-worshipping jackass like chavez?

Also at CQ, more on the meltdown in Canadian politics. I just love that the 'freedom loving' Canadians had a bunch of information on this mess restricted; the politicians could see it, the press could see it, but the peasants were not to be informed. Just wonderful.

Powerline covered some of John Kerry's latest whining. This was crap before, and it's shopworn crap now. I had a friend who insisted that lots of people were 'disenfranchised' in the 2000 election; pointing out that going to the wrong polling place, or not bothering to register, or not being elegible to vote did not 'disenfranchise' you didn't make a difference. Sick of all of it.

Kim du Toit has this on how Argentina is going down the toilet. Every time I see something like this I want to kick John McCain and that ass Feingold in the butt, because their actions on 'campaign finance reform' moved us a step closer to this kind of crap. I wish AZ would start that recall petition on McCain back up.

The man in Castle Beelzebub notes that there are officially 29 shootings a day in Britain. Wonderful how banning guns works, isnt it?

And Wizbang notes Brazilian whining because illegal immigrants are being picked up.

And at Dean's World, the question is why ISN'T the major media talking about Iran's plans for us?

And life goes on... And, to quote Kim, I'm off to the range. Soon as it opens, that is.

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