Saturday, April 23, 2005

Bad language warning: it's about France

Read this.

Let's see, back a dictatorship against a democracy? Chance to make money by selling to the dictatorship? Screw what happens to people because of it?

Fuck the French. Every damned one of the idiots involved in this, and in sucking up to Saddam, and in trying to screw us over. I'm sick of the frogs and their pretensions and their lies and their corruption. I'm sick of the bastards insisting that nothing can be done anywhere without their blessing- and their control of it and any money involved.

These are the assholes who lecture us about the sad state of things in the U.S. while Jews are being attacked and synagogues burned and massive race riots go on there. These are the bastards who call us names and refer to us as simpleminded; apparently because we just don't understand that selling out and taking bribes accommodating terrorists and dictators is always the best way.

Oh, yes, and we don't understand that stabbing 'allies' in the back is a good thing; it demonstrates that you understand 'nuance' in dealing with other countries.

And THESE are the conscienceless shits that we're supposed to get the blessing of before we do anything? Bullshit.

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