Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Who'da thunk it?

Gee, a communist reporter lies about what happened at a U.S. roadblock? Why, however could that be?

I hadn't said anything before about this because it seemed pretty simple: if she'd been subjected to a "rain of bullets" from armored vehicles, she'd be dead; and if, by some miracle she survived, the car would look like something out of a 'Lethal Weapon' movie after the shootout. Well, we now have pictures of the car, and what do we have? Possibly four bullet holes. Not much of a 'rain' of fire, is it?

If I'm not mistaken, the machine guns on a Abrams tank are the tank commander's .50, and the other is a .30 caliber. Either one would turn a car into scrap with a single long burst. The damage in the pictures is, from the looks of it, small-arms fire, probably from trying to stop the vehicle.

Gee, a commie reporter lied. Surprise, surprise.

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