Sunday, February 27, 2005

I need more shelves

Especially with the box of books sitting in the floor. About $200 worth new, for $22. I love this sale.

Ever noticed how crowds warm a place up? Outside it was mid-50's, walk through the doors into that crowded room and it went up 15-20 degrees. But I found copies of stuff I didn't have, stuff I'd wanted to read, replacements for a couple of beat-up old books I have, and a couple to pass on to the kids.

Ever heard of Matt Helm? Donald Hamilton wrote a series about this character, and agent in a classified agency. He once put it that his job was taking care of people who the FBI types didn't want to dirty their hands with and who the other alphabet agencies couldn't deal with. In some ways like the James Bond of the early novels; hard as nails, sometimes bothered by what has to be done, but gets the job done. Some clowns made a couple of movies by combining elements from several of the books, with Dean Martin playing Helm. They did them as comedy/action movies, and they're pretty crappy. I think Martin could have done the character pretty well, but they'd have needed a director who kept him on the character. I think they could still make some damn good movies, though they'd need screenwriters/director who cared more about a good story and characters than about how many car chases, messy shootouts and explosions they could cram in. Anyway, I found one of his, I'll pass that on to the kids; I think they'll like it.

In any case, the book sale's over for me. There is a motorcycle swap meet Sunday, I'll be going by that. It's at the fairgrounds too, so I may swing over to the sale again, but I doubt there'll be much left.


  1. Anonymous6:43 PM

    I have to say that I am a little disappointed that you aren't Oscarblogging. Seriously, man. The world needs your cutting edge commentary on all things Hollywood.

    In other news, I figured out that you DO have an rss feed.

  2. Watching the Oscars interests me about as much as standing in the rain while holding a live extension cord.

  3. Anonymous4:44 PM

    Oddly enough.. I WAS standing out in the rain holding the raspy torn end of a live 50 amp shore power cord. In my teeth.

    It was almost as good as the when I ate 6 Ex-Lax brownies my sister gave me one time.

    Of course, none of that can beat the other time when I was tied down by a gang of syphilitic wood gnomes who attempted to saw off my limbs with KFC sporks.

    But one can't forget the other time when I ran through three plate glass store windows naked and then dove into a 40 foot sinkhole full of raw sewage, clorox, and mint leaves.

    Or the time I ate at El Pollo Loco.

  4. Anonymous4:44 PM

    Oddly enough.. I WAS standing out in the rain holding the raspy torn end of a live 50 amp shore power cord. In my teeth.

    It was almost as good as the when I ate 6 Ex-Lax brownies my sister gave me one time.

    Of course, none of that can beat the other time when I was tied down by a gang of syphilitic wood gnomes who attempted to saw off my limbs with KFC sporks.

    But one can't forget the other time when I ran through three plate glass store windows naked and then dove into a 40 foot sinkhole full of raw sewage, clorox, and mint leaves.

    Or the time I ate at El Pollo Loco.

  5. Yo, you seem to lead a far more, ah, interesting life than I.


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