Saturday, January 15, 2005

If you had lots of free cash...

what kinds of cool stuff would you buy? Not bill-paying money, free cash that could be spent for anything?

I want one of the green lasers various people have mentioned lately(I lost the link and am too lazy to find it right now). They guy said he was stopping sales because he was worried about someone using one to do harm to an airplane or something; I understand the emotion, but dammit, I want one!

I like flashlights, and the coolest one I can think of is from Surefire. The G2 I picked up will blind you in a dim room and produces 65 lumens; The Beast puts out two thousand lumens. Oh Lord, yes I want one of these. The guys at the indoor range I shoot at said they've been trying to convince the boss that the need one for the store. "It's for display", "It's for advertisement", "instead of renting some spotlights one of us can stand outside and wave it around". All excellent arguments, I would say, but to no avail. So I'll have to simply lust over the picture.

I was at a motorcycle show today, and there were some flat gorgeous bikes there. There was one with a magnificent flame paint job that would look really nice in the garage. It's a hardtail so it's probably not too comfortable to ride, it's got short straight pipes so I'd have to wear earplugs, it's damn near as long as my truck so it'd take up a lot of the garage, but it was so lovely...

It's not really expensive, but a nice leather duster would be good. I could probably buy one now, but I have a oilcloth duster that works quite well in the rain, and I can't convince myself that buying a leather one just because it looks good is a good idea.

A really nice telescope. Lots of things to look at up there.

I'm not going into firearms right here, except for one. In front of the 45th Infantry Division Museum there are a pair of 37mm anti-tank guns from the late 1930's. Of course these have had the breechblocks welded into place, etc., but a working one? Oh, my. You'd need a good half-mile minimum of range to really play with it, but it would be fun. Just solid shot, no HE shells, and targets that would show when you hit. Plastic jugs full of colored water, concrete blocks, and so forth. And just think of the looks on people's faces as they see you towing it to the range!

A Mustang. Just because I've wanted one since I was 15. And if I had the money to buy it, I'd also be able to afford the insurance.

And if I had a house appropriate to keep all this stuff- and the rest- in, I'd want a tower. Probably along one of the front corners, at least 15 feet high(20 would be better) with a couple of rooms and crenelations on the roof. Nice for just looking around, and I could build a small ballista or trebuchet up there to shoot stuff at people on Halloween.

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