Friday, January 07, 2005

The 'High Priest Vulture Elite' in the 'Turd World'

This comes from the latest post at The Diplomad. He's a bit on the edgy side after the last few days, and all things considered I don't blame him. If you were worn out and busy trying to accomplish something, and being forced to waste time listening to some jerks who talk, talk, talk instead of actually getting their hands dirty, you'd be a bit ticked off, too.

Ref the 'Turd World',
"Many years ago, as we prepared our return to a tough posting in the Far Abroad after leave in the States, our son asked, "Do we have to go back to the 'turd' world?" "
He explains why that mispronunciation fits. And this leads to some nasty words in the comments section, mostly about the 'bigotry', etc., of the Diplomad. Hey bozo? Pointing out unpleasant facts does not make one a bigot. It does make one a realist.

One thing that has struck me in the past was that so many descriptions of arriving in third-world countries read the same in the first impressions, especially the smells. And those smells always mean poverty, and usually corruption that lies behind much of the poverty. Apparently recognizing this makes you a bigot, according to some. Oh, yes, so much better to ignore it than to be so nasty as to actually mention it.

And so much better to praise the U.N. than to be so common as to actually get dirty doing something.

At this point I think the U.N., in some cases at least, actually waits for someone- lately us, the Aussies or British- to get things going, so they can step in and try to take over and claim they have fixed everything. Well, right now India and Singapore have also been actually doing something, along with some other countries, and they and the nations hit by the waves are getting a first-class education as to how friggin' useless the U.N. actually is. I think they'll remember.

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