Friday, November 12, 2004

What is sexy about looking like a concentration camp victim?

A the store the other day, some magazine had a picture of Renee Zellweger, having lost the weight she put on for the 'Bridget Jones' movie. I'd been hearing commercials for the program she followed, the 'you can look just like her!' stuff, but after seeing the pictures, I wondered why the HELL you would want to?

Dammit, she looks like hell. Skinny arms, face with the skull showing through. This is NOT what a woman is supposed to look like.

I have seen women who were lean almost to the point of skinny, and looked great. I've see women who were, by most definitions, fat, and looked great. I have not, despite the beliefs of Hollywood and the fashion industry, seen a women with stick-legs and arms and a ribcage like a xylophone who looked like anything but a victim. Of themselves or some idiot who told them that was great, but a victim.

I've a friend who used to spend all her spare time worrying about losing 'that last five pounds'. She looked good, she was healthy, but if you told her that you heard the litany of "I'm fat, I need to lose that last five pounds, I'm flabby", etc. And since she was at a good weight, and was overall healthy, she couldn't lose it. So she started taking diet pills. That worked really well.

The rebound from that mess was a collection of problems and putting on a lot of weight. So now she's depressed about that, and the medication she's on causes her to sleep a lot so she doesn't exercise, and if she did lose weight she'd get to a nice size and obsess about the 'last five' goddamned pounds again...

THERE IS NO UNIVERSAL GOOD WEIGHT/APPEARANCE. For women or men. Be healthy, understand that the people the entertainment industry keep shoving in our faces aren't the ONLY way to look, and be happy.

By the way, the Body Mass Index sucks. If I weighed what that says I should, I would look like I'd escaped from a camp before things got too bad.

And ladies? I've never personally met a man who, in real life, preferred a female who looks like she'd break if you touched her to one with curves. Not implants, curves on her body.

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